On April 16, senior teacher of the Department of Language Training L.A. Shintaeva organized a event for Love Day “Kozy Korpesh – Bayan Sulu”. The purpose of the event is not to forget the traditions left by our ancestors, and to learn to appreciate and cherish the feeling of great love.

This holiday is a holiday that has educational significance, which is celebrated on a wide scale according to the national model, national character, like the love of a woman for a man, the love of a mother for her children, the love of a child for his parents. During the event, students staged a song of the Kazakh people, one of the most ancient treasures of the Kazakh people, the most beautiful of the lyrical-epic sagas “Kyz Zhibek,” danced, and watched scenes from the traditions of our people, read poems and epics about love.

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